
General Aims
1. Introduce the elements of our natural environment and the benefits it offers.
2. Raise awareness among students of the importance of environmental preservation.
3. To promote attitudes that allow children to interact in and enjoy a healthy environment.
4. To promote  care and maintenance activities.
5. Forming integral beings with a critical awareness, developing strategies that help to build a better society.
6. Stimulate students criteria for conservation and environmental protection strategies developed in the classroom.
7. Instill in students basic techniques to take advantage of solid waste and transform into useful objects.
8. Use teaching resources, such as dictionaries, reference books, multimedia materials, including ICT, to obtain, select and present oral and written information independently.

Specific Aims
English Language
9. Understand general and specific information of oral texts in different situations.
10. Express themselves orally in normal situations and develop communication skills, both inside and outside the classroom, effectively, appropriately and with some level of autonomy and correction.
11. Read and understand different types of written texts, in order to extract general and specific information and to use reading as a source of pleasure and personal enrichment and knowledge of other cultures.
12. Write simple texts effectively with varied purposes.
13. Developing autonomy in learning.
14. Appreciate the foreign language as a means of , accessing information and as a learning tool.
15. Value the foreign language and languages ​​in general as a means of communication and understanding between people of backgrounds, languages ​​and cultures, avoiding any discrimination.
16. Gain confidence and trust in relation to the ability to learn and use a foreign language.

17. Addressing autonomy and creativity with technological problems working in an orderly and methodical way to study the problem, collect and select information from different sources, process documentation; conceive, design, plan and build objects or systems that solve the problem, and evaluate their suitability from different points of view.
18. Having sufficient knowledge and technical skills to analyze, design, develop and manipulate materials, objects and technology systems safely.
19. Analyze objects and evaluating the impact that generate their existence.
20. Express and communicate ideas and technical solutions using technological means, resources, graphics, and vocabulary.
21. Critically analyze and evaluate research and technological development and their influence on society, the environment, health and personal and collective wellbeing.
22. Easily handle applications that allow search, store, organize, manipulate, retrieve and present information, routinely using communication networks.
23. Taking a critical and active progress and the emergence of new technologies, incorporating a daily task, developing a critical view of their influence on society and the environment.
24. Dialogue act, flexible and responsible in teamwork, in the search of solutions, in decision-making and execution of the tasks with an attitude of respect, cooperation, tolerance, equality and solidarity.
25. Being responsive to individual and collective needs and the most appropriate solutions that offers the closest technological environment.

Natural Sciences
26. Understand scientific content messages using spoken and written language properly.
27. Use the concepts, principles, laws and theories of science, as well as specific strategies of scientific work, to understand the main natural phenomena, the relevant facts of everyday life and the impact of techno-scientific development.
28. Apply in problem solving, strategies specific to scientific methodology as problem identification, formulation of hypotheses and logical deductions.
29. Learn about science topics using various means and sources, especially those related to information technology and communication, transmit using different media, critically evaluate the content of this and use it to guide and inform their opinions and actions.
30. Adopting attitudes reviews, based on scientific knowledge to analyze, individually or in groups, scientific and technological issues relevant and socially controversial.
31. Tender to act on attitudes and habits conducive to protecting and promoting personal and community health, based on scientific knowledge, to assume the risks of modern society on issues related to food and consumption.
32. Understand the importance of using knowledge from the sciences of nature to meet human needs and to make decisions in relation to local and global issues that affect us.
33. Understand and assess the interactions of science and technology with society and the environment, with attention to the problems humanity is today and the need for finding and implementing appropriate solutions to move towards sustainability.
34. Recognize the interim creative and scientific knowledge and its contribution to human thought throughout history, appreciating the importance of open debate and free of dogma within the cultural evolution of mankind, and the contribution of science and Technology for improving the living conditions of humans.
35. Gain knowledge of natural and cultural elements of the environment, and use them to support values, attitudes and behaviors favorable to the conservation of resources and improving environmental quality.
Social Sciences
36. Understanding the territory as a result of the interaction of societies on the environment in which they are developed and organized.
37. Identify, locate and analyze, at different scales, the basic elements that characterize the physical environment, interactions that occur between them and establish that human groups in the use of space and resources, assessing the impact of economic, social, political and environmental.
38. Identify the processes and mechanisms that govern social facts and interrelationships between political events, economic and cultural rights and to use this knowledge to understand the plurality of causes that explain the evolution of societies, the role that men and women play.
39. Understand the basic characteristics of the geographic diversity of the world and major socioeconomic, cultural and political areas as well as physical and human features of the world.
40. Value and respect the cultural, linguistic, historical, artistic and environmental heritage, assuming the responsibilities of conservation.
41. Valuing cultural diversity expressing attitudes of respect and tolerance towards other cultures and opinions that do not match one's own.
42. Acquire and use specific vocabulary provided by social science with precision and rigor to their incorporation into everyday vocabulary. Increase accuracy in the use of language and improve communication.
43. Select information to the methods and techniques specific to geography and history, to explain the causes and consequences of problems and to understand the historical background and geographical space.
44. Find and select, understand and relate to, try and communicate in an organized and understandable information from various sources, especially the one that provides the physical and social environment, media and information technology.
45. Perform tasks and participate in group discussions in a constructive, critical and tolerant way.
46. Know how democratic societies work, appreciating their values ​​and fundamentals, and the rights and freedoms as inalienable achievement and a necessary condition for peace, denouncing attitudes and discriminatory and unfair situations and showing solidarity  towards other people, groups and people deprived of their rights or economic resources.

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